Course Content
About Lesson

Chapter 1. Golden rules of caregiving, basic human needs, and meeting the client


Chapter 2. Your duties and responsibilities, safety around the home


Chapter 3. Client care notes

  1. The definition of client care notes
  2. The legal importance of making client care notes.
  3. The difference between subjective and objective
  4. Guidelines for making care notes.
  5. Example of client care notes on a typical day


Chapter 4. Communication

  1. The definition of communication
  2. How to make communication effective
  3. Active listening


Chapter 5. Hygiene

  1. Hygiene of personal care
  2. Hygiene of the client and personal hygiene routines
  3. Hygiene of surroundings and cleaning tasks around the living space
  4. Food hygiene and cleanliness
  5. Homemade recipe for mouthwash and a homemade recipe for mouth ulcers


Chapter 6. HAI infections

  1. The definition and understanding of health-associated infections.
  2. The cause of HAI infections
  3. The different types of HAI infections
  4. Understanding the different types of HAI infections
  5. Prevention of HAI infections and stopping the spread of HAI infections.


Chapter 7. PPE (personal protective equipment)

  1. Pathogens and how they are spread.
  2. Different types of PPE
  3. Understanding some of the pathogens that may be spread through contact.
  4. The difference between contagious and infectious diseases
  5. What is donning and doffing?
  6. The use of PPE in different scenarios
  7. The golden rule with gloves


Chapter 8. Nutrition and feeding a client

  1. Why do we get different diets?
  2. Different types of diets
  3. What is the most effective protein? The combination of protein with other food groups.
  4. Guideline to a healthy diet: the food pyramid
  5. Learning about the combination of foods and disease control
  6. Staying regular and constipation explained
  7. Calculation of food eaten with the various food groups (this is a very important section)
  8. Feeding the client:
  1. Why do we feed some clients?
  2. What you will do to feed the client


Chapter 9. Medication and medication reminders

  1. The golden rule on medication
  2. Medication administration explained.
  3. Medication monitoring explained.
  4. When patients have problems with taking medications and how to resolve the problem.
  5. Terms of medical conditions you should know about.
  6. Important information on taking medication.
  7. Important notes on medication monitoring


Chapter 10. Bedridden clients

  1. What to look out for with bedridden patients
  2. Changes that a bedridden patient may undergo and what to do.
  3. Decubitus or pressure ulcers explained.
  4. Prevention of decubitus
  5. Problems with the following body functions with bedridden clients

Blood circulation, urinary output, bladder control, mental problems, metabolism changes, muscle and bone deterioration, changes in heartbeat, breathing difficulties, digestion, and excretion, and limited joint movement.

  1. What to do about the problems mentioned in body functions with bedridden patients and how to prevent most of them.


Chapter 11. Confidentiality

  1. What is the meaning of confidentiality?
  2. What is privacy?
  3. How confidentiality is broken
  4. The consequences of confidentiality that is broken.
  5. Sharing the responsibilities of a client with a co-worker.
  6. Family and friends and confidentiality explained.
  7. When confidentiality does not apply
  8. Confidentiality about your co-worker.
  9. The golden rule with confidentiality


 Chapter 12. Abuse

  1. The definition of abuse
  2. The different types of abuse explained.
  3. Domestic abuse
  4. Institutional abuse
  5. Child abuse
  6. Elder abuse
  7. What to do if you suspect abuse
  8. Signs to look out for when you suspect abuse.
  9. Special notes on sexual abuse
  10. What will happen if you do not report abuse?
  11. When you report the incident and what will happen


Chapter 13. Neglect

  1. The definition of neglect
  2. The different types of neglect explained
  3. Neglect in the home
  4. Neglect in an institution
  5. Abandonment explained
  6. Living conditions in a home and institution
  7. Prevent neglect and abandonment.
  8. Golden rule to remember with your duties


Chapter 14. Ambulation and mobility

  1. The definition of ambulation
  2. The definition of mobility
  3. Benefits of mobility
  4. Why do people become immobile?
  5. Different types of equipment to help the client walk: walkers and canes, and gait belts.
  6. What to do when you do a transfer or help a client to ambulate.
  7. Exercising and mobility.
  8. Draw sheets and their use.
  9. General notes on staying safe with transfers and mobility.


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